Establsihed in 2012 by British teacher Simon Luttrell, this small charity exists to help young Burmese studies with their education, especially those in orphanages and under-resourced schools.

Android App

Teacher Simon has created a mobile app with a large resource of educational videos in clear English that mirror the Burmese government syllabus, especially helping local teachers and their students to improve their English pronunciation.

Vocabulary Posters

Teacher Simon has designed a range of English posters, linking to audio files on his app, enabling students to learn more words and how to pronounce each word correctly.

Mini-Book Sets

Cleverly-designed, vocabulary and bilingual short story 'mini-books', printed on a single A4 sheet of folded paper, thus creating 8 pages - perfect for low-cost local printing!


Teacher Simon donates school books, posters and other educational supplies to a range of institutions in Myanmar, including regular on-site visits to assess the educational needs of the students

  • Sasana Yaung Boys' Orphanage, Inle Lake
  • Minethauk Ethnic Orphanage, Inle Lake
  • Don Felice Orphanage, Nyaung Shwe
  • Phyaphyu Home for the Disabled, Taunggyi
  • Daw Gyi Orphanage, Taunggyi
  • Da.Ma.Wi.Du Monastery School, Taunggyi
  • Htet Eian Monastery School, Nyaung Shwe
  • Aye Yeik Mon Girls' Orphanage, Manderlay
  • Exodus School, Yangon

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